PCTA Special Event Grant Program Guidelines & Application

PCTA, as the organization that oversees the work of the Plumas County Tourism Marketing District (PCTMD), has established a Special Event Grant Program for special events as part of the District Management Plan relating to micro-zone marketing.  For clarity, this document will use the term “region” in lieu of micro-zone.

The Grant Program will have a central theme of promoting each region as a desirable place for overnight visitation. PCTA Directors representing each region make decisions regarding the use of funds dedicated to their respective region.

The goal of PCTMD as well as the Special Event Grant Program is to increase overnight visitation and room night sales at assessed businesses.
The regions of the PCTMD are described below and shown in detail on the map in Section IV:

  • Quincy, Bucks Lake, and Feather River Canyon
  • Lake Almanor Basin and Indian Valley

Grant Program Purpose

The purpose of the Grant Program is to promote eligible tourism activities and or infrastructure development that will increase overnight stays with lodging providers within the district. The source of these funds come from the 2% assessment lodging providers within the district collect from guests.

Qualifications & Application Requirements

To receive funding events must be open to the public and not only target local visitors, but also visitors from greater than 50 miles from Plumas County.  Funding for events is targeted for marketing and promotional purposes.  Operational expenses are not eligible.
Preference will be given to events that are scheduled in the “off-season,” defined as October through May.  Special events that are not held in the off-season will be considered for funding as the exception, not the rule.

Preference will be given to proposals which leverage existing resources, or coordinate with other scheduled community events, facilities, organizations, community promotion and marketing efforts.

Among other information, applicants will be required to furnish the following information:
  • Date(s), location(s) and basic information regarding the special event, including contact information for organizers/promoters.
  • Statement as to whether the event is a new event or a recurring event.
  • Event Budget
  • Explanation of what efforts will be utilized to drive visitors to Plumas County lodging and businesses
  • Anticipated attendance and projected number of overnight guests generated through the event.
  • Explanation as to how the event is to be promoted.
  • Amount of grant funding being sought and what the funding will be utilized for.
  • Statement as to whether the event has garnered the necessary permits and permissions from all appropriate governmental agencies or a statement as to where the applicant is in the process.

Requirements of Grantee

If the grant is provided by PCTA, the grantee is required to present data to PCTA within 60 days following the event, including information regarding use of grant funds, estimated attendance, estimated lodging stays as result of event, and other ancillary economic benefits.
Promotional materials regarding an activity/event should include logo and website url for plumascounty.org. It is not expected that this credit is displayed in all materials, but at a minimum it should be placed in such documents as programs and flyers. Organization will be responsible for providing copies of all printed marketing material supported by the grant.